
Maintaining of expertise according to § 11 ChemVerbotsV

No events currently planned.


  • Innovations in European substance law (REACH, CLP Regulation)
  • Innovations in national substance law (GefStoffV, ChemVerbotsV, TRGS)
  • New regulations on classification and labelling of substances/mixtures according to the CLP Regulation
  • Restrictions on the placing on the market of substances/mixtures/products

Conditions for participation

Passed examination as a competent person according to ChemVerbotsV or GefStoffV for placing substances, mixtures, products on the market or another qualification according to § 11 para. 3 ChemVerbotsV (pharmacist, pharmacist assistant, pharmacy engineer, pharmaceutical technical assistant, pharmacy assistant, druggist, certified pest controller).

Aimed at

Qualified experts according to § 11 ChemVerbotsV, whose certificate of competence dates back 6 years.


Dr. Sebastian Guhl, Hazardous Substances Expert


Certificate for the extension of the expertise for 6 years according to § 11 Abs. 1 ChemVerbotsV


We will be happy to provide you with information about hotels in Hösbach and the surrounding area. Just write a short note in the registration form.



680,- €  plus VAT


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More Information

Venue and date

01.10.2024 as webinar

No events currently planned


680,- €  plus VAT

Do you have any questions?

Then call us at +49(0)6021 62 535 0 or send us a short mail to veranstaltung@gefahrstoff.com.