Distribution SDS management
The module “Management of safety data sheet output” regulates the links between the safety data sheets and their recipients.
This means that in interaction with the revision management, it is verifiable which customer has received which safety data sheet at which time.
By assigning customers to products, even with different safety data sheets, the effort of product management is reduced. Language/country versions and products are defined once and do not have to be managed continuously.
Separate data records are created for each customer. In addition to the address, the output language and shipping method are also defined. Previously defined sales products contain any number of data sheets, so that an assignment with the customer data can be done simply by drag & drop.
Users can access all data to export them or start their own imports.
Another important point is the possibility to create archives of the safety data sheets. Here it is possible to keep the data sheets in the different revisions. This can be done in RTF/PDF and XML format. It is also possible to control the timing of the archive creation.
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